Brick Paver Calculator
Sand Base Depth (in cm)
Brick Size
Allowance (in %)
Price per brick
Total Sq meter all areas: sq. m
Total Sand Base Needed:
Total Bricks Needed:
Estimated Total Cost:

How much does brick paver installation cost?

Most homeowners pay between $8 and $25 for installing pavers. Excluding equipment, labor, cement, and other fees, here’s a quick rundown of the costs of each.

  • Red Brick: $0.25 to $4
  • Gray Brick Style: $0.50 to $5
  • Dry Laid Brick: $4 to $8
  • Wet Laid Brick: $6 to $12 
The cost varies based on the brick type, labor, and area covered. A typical 300 sq. ft. paver ratio could cost you around $2,500 to $7,500.
For other area measurements, please refer below:
  • 100 sq. ft.: $800 to $2,500
  • 144 sq. ft.: $1,150 to $3,600
  • 256 sq. ft.: $2,050 to $6,400
  • 320 sq. ft.: $2,550 to $8,000
  • 400 sq. ft.: $3,200 to $10,000
  • 576 sq. ft.: $4,600 to $14,500

Other factors that influence the total cost

Apart from the brick type and the covered area, the following could either drastically affect your expenses:

  1. The complexity of the design
  2. Additional prep work like an excavation of full-backyard pavement
  3. Resloping, leveling, and landscaping a lawn
  4. Equipment
  5. Utilities (gas lines, plumbing, and electricity)

Labor Cost

Brick paver professionals usually charge $4 to $11 per square foot for labor. So, for a 300 sq. ft.
patio, expect to spend between $1,200 and $3,300.
Contractors could also charge you per hour around $50 to $80. The same area takes around 35 to 40 hours to complete. 

How many pavers do you need?

Determine how many pavers of your choice could fit a square foot.
Then, multiple that number by the square footage. Provide an additional 10% to 20% for defects and breakage/ faults.
With this, you’d also be able to calculate the total material cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick pavements 


  • Remarkably durable and, thus, long-lasting
  • Classic and elegant look 
  • Mostly eco-friendly and recyclable 
  • Increases the home value
  • Maintains their color for a long time
  • Low-maintenance


  • More expensive than other known alternatives like outdoor tiles and concrete
  • Difficulty to install due to different dimensions and patterns
  • Limited options for design, color, and texture
  • Frequent resealing is needed (once every three years)
  • Sensitive to frost heaving

Maintenance and enhancement cost and practices

Some brick variations - clay brick - require extra maintenance attention.
If not supervised, their quality could deteriorate due to exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture. 
Simple yet crucial maintenance practices include washing the brick paver once or twice a year.
Use a pressure washer for effective cleaning. Moreover, remove the dirt and weeds between the bricks.
After washing, seal the bricks to add an extra layer of protection from flaking. 
Sealing and resealing costs about $50, if DIY, or $150 to $300, if done by a professional.

How to Install Brick Pavements?

  1. Make sure there are no electrical or water lines underground.
  2. Mark the area where you will install the brick pavers.
  3. Lay the drainage materials.
  4. Lay and level the paver. To fit the corners and angles, cut the pavers using a wet saw or chisel.
  5. Install edging. 
  6. Fill the joints with sand, then seal.