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ikonhouse - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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ikonhouse. The brands spoken to by ikonhouse have accomplished flawlessness over ages. This has required positive guidelines in the determination of honorable materials as well as in immaculate structure and spectacular craftsmanship. Numerous items that have been structured in the 1950's and fabricated from that point forward are as yet perceived as notorious things and have accomplished the status of plan works of art. Their structures have turned out to be ageless.
Producers including Carl Hansen Son, Republic of Fritz Hansen and Vitra have all verifiably centered around such characteristics. Thus did their center planners Arne Jacobsen, Poul Kjaerholm, Hans J. Wegner, Charles and Ray Eames and numerous others, who all have extraordinarily added to making world-class structures; new, basic, sculptural and unique items that are immortal. Everything about in every case painstakingly considered, the procedure exhaustive, and the high completion part of the look. The mark of every planner radiates through, making these pieces one of a kind yet in a split second unmistakable.
The general style at ikonhouse is universal, yet oozes high class. Each piece is modern in its own specific manner, has a solid character and the capacity to prudently illuminate any kind of room. These items have achieved famous status since they are keenly planned, delightfully created and made of the best materials. They are for individuals with a certain preference for polish and downplayed extravagance; for the individuals who wish to create an impression which is totally their own.
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