Magical Water Fountains

Al Qouz Industrial 1, Al Qouz Ind. 1 - Dubai - Uni...

  • حول

Built up in1995 to do building ventures for Multimedia appears with the plan, fabricating, turn-key establishment and item administration of various sort of elaborate and melodic wellsprings, just as other related items, for example, intuitive amusement wellsprings for amusement parks and mixed media terrific show. The MAGICAL WATER FOUNTAIN licensed claim to fame wellsprings are utilized for enrichment, excitement and limited time reason. The essential item, the Musical Fountain, produce any variety of water shows, which when joined with music, lighting, laser symbolism, and even firecrackers, makes a huge scale interactive media arranged exhibition. The wellspring can be highlight of a huge open setting, program for shows at explicit occasions, or a brilliant water include, which can be enhance an open space or empower a generally common space.


  • Musical fountain
  • Water screen
  • Water curtain
  • Pixel Fall aquascreen
  • Shows
  • Special effects
  • 3D Animations
  • Manufacture
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