- الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية
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- أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية المنزلية
- التصميم والديكور
- تنظيم المناسبات والمعارض
- التصنيفات
Dubai Media City - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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Pegler is outstanding and regarded as one of the main makers of cutting edge pipes, warming and building items on the planet. It's a notoriety earned through an all out devotion to quality, development and client administration that has been the sign of the organization since it was set up in the 1890's (initially exchanging as Pegler Ltd and Yorkshire Fittings Ltd).
Our prosperity has been gotten from a pledge to a way of thinking dependent on quality, administration, speculation, intensity and advancement. Vitality and water preservation is especially at the cutting edge of our item improvement.
Peglers' one of a kind Integrated Piping System unites valves, fitting and pipes in one complete pipe-work framework, with an accentuation on conveying warmth free jointing. IPS consolidates the best components of present day association and valve innovation, with worldwide quality endorsements and practical answers for each task.
As a colleague to a portion of the world's best known pipes and warming providers, our unparalleled rundown of market driving item brands incorporate Yorkshire basic weld ring fittings, Pegler Terrier radiator valves, VSH Tectite push fit fittings, VSH PowerPress items, VSH Shurjoint arrangements, the VSH XPress press fit framework, Pegler valves, Prestex general brassware, Endex bind ring and Kuterlite pressure fittings.
- Push-fit Fittings
- Press-fit Fittings
- Compression Fittings
- Heat Interface Units
- Radiators Valves
- Commissioning Valves
- Commercial Valves
- Plumbing Valves
- Taps
- Showers & Concealed Bathroom Systems