- الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية
تشييد المباني
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- هدم المباني
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- سحب الحديد والفولاذ
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- كبار المقاوليين
- الأبنية مسبقة الصنع
- الحاويات
- الحفريّات
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- تصنيع الحديد والفولاذ
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- بناء المطارات
- صيانة المنازل
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- خدمات أخرى
- الأثاث
أبناء والترميم
- الحجر والرخام
- منتجات خشبية
- منتجات الجبس
- موردو مواد البناء
- الدهان
- المصاعد والسلالم الكهربائية
- الحمامات والمطابخ
- المقاول الأنسب
- مقاولون اختصاصيون
- الزجاج
- إكسسوارات المطابخ والحمامات
- أنظمة ومنتجات الجدران
- مقاولو كهرباء
- ميكانيكيون
- أعمال جبس
- موردو نوافذ
- مقاولون تسليم مفتاح
- موردو الأبواب
- الحديد والأدوات المعدنية
- مقاولون لمكافحة الحريق
- صيانة المباني
- تصاريح وتراخيص السلطة
- الموبيليا والنجارة
- أنظمة الأسقف
- المنيوم
- الإنارة
- الدرابزين
- موردي ومقاولي المعادن
- الايدي العاملة
- أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية المنزلية
- التصميم والديكور
- تنظيم المناسبات والمعارض
- التصنيفات
- (5)
- خدمات التنظيف
- حول
This website is the property of and managed by Spectrum Services.
Ever since our inception we have been delivering quality cleaning and maintenance services to those who’ve asked these of us. Our cleaning and maintenance services have made us into what we are today. We have crossed so many milestones and attained this stature only because we have resolved to put the customer first and display unwavering professionalism in every facet of our being.
Spectrum encompasses everything good about cleaning and we are able to deliver top notch quality to those in need. This is facilitated by a group of skilled professionals who are very versatile and deft at handling any scenario. This has made it possible for us to incorporate disparate services such as residential cleaning to babysitting.
We are here to help you solve the issues of cleaning and maintenance, and we see ourselves as the people who can shoulder that responsibility for you, giving you time to focus on more pressing matters, while we get on with implementing our first class service to satisfy you. We envisage ourselves sitting on the helm of the cleaning and maintenance industry in Dubai providing quality that none can compete with.
We have resolved ourselves to carry out top notch cleaning and maintenance to residences and commercial spaces across Dubai, where we take care of every aspect of cleanliness. Our versatility also enables us to take care of your children so as to nurture them when you are away. We promise that in everything that we do, we display perfection.
We have resolved ourselves to carry out top notch cleaning and maintenance to residences and commercial spaces across Dubai, where we take care of every aspect of cleanliness. Our versatility also enables us to take care of your children so as to nurture them when you are away. We promise that in everything that we do, we display perfection.
We have been able to rise steadily throughout the years and bring satisfaction to a lot of our clients, because we have held steadfast these values and have applied them fiercely:
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Teamwork
- Transparency
- Commitment
- Customer First