- الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية
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- التصنيفات
Al Moosawi Trading LLC - Dubai - United Arab Emira...
- حول
Al Moosawi Trading LLC was formed in 1986 in Deira, UAE and focuses on the many industrial flow control needs that people have in today's society. Al Moosawi has parts for all sorts of applications including fittings, valves and other materials that keep machines, ships and other devices as operational and possible.
Our goal at Al Moosawi is to not only make the best possible industrial flow control products but to also help our clients understand what products they need in particular. We want to help all of our clients save money, avoid future problems and make their businesses function as well as possible.
We work for many distributors and manufacturers by providing them with a large variety of products. We have valves of all kinds including butterfly, ball, gate and check valves. There are dozens of valve sizes for just about every application including ones that work alongside steam traps, flanges and pressure-reducing controls.
You can also count on us for pipes and fittings for all sorts of equipment. We have pipes made with carbon steel and are available in several different sizes based on their lengths and diameters. We also sell gaskets, packings, iron fittings, steel fittings and clamps in a large variety of sizes and dimensions. Every single product is designed as needed and can be recommended to your business based on the specific physical functions you are planning on utilizing.
Our business prides itself in its large inventory of products in all forms and sizes. We use our strong buying power and our understanding of how the market works to make it easier for us to get more of these products generated as effectively as possible.
We also use a strong distribution system that works hard to give you the best possible products as soon as what you can get out. We have many facilities around the UAE that interact with each other and keep consistent records intact so you'll know what products are available. Our goal is to have more products available for all people while also providing them with up to date information on how all products operate.
We also have a full staff that can not only generate parts for businesses but also analyze the parts that businesses require. You can consult our engineering department and provide information on your technical needs and functions to determine what might be perfect for your business. We particularly utilize several certification standards to make certain that our products are fully functional and right.
- مقاولو الخرسانة
- هدم المباني
- منتجات البلوك والخرسانة
- مهندسي الانشاءات
- مقاولو الطرق
- البيوت الجاهزة
- سحب الحديد والفولاذ
- السقالات
- اختبار التربة
- المولدات الكهربائية
- بيع وتأجير واستيراد ونقل المعدات الثقيلة
- ترحيل المخلفات
- تسرّب المياه
- كبار المقاوليين
- الأبنية مسبقة الصنع
- الحاويات
- الحفريّات
- قواعد الأساس
- تصنيع الحديد والفولاذ
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- بناء المطارات