- الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية
تشييد المباني
- مقاولو الخرسانة
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- السقالات
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- الأبنية مسبقة الصنع
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- قواعد الأساس
- تصنيع الحديد والفولاذ
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- بناء المطارات
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- التصميم والديكور
- تنظيم المناسبات والمعارض
- التصنيفات
Al Etihad Street - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirate...
- حول
Abu Dhabi Construction Company (ADCC) LLC, is a 100% national company established in 1966, as a personal initiative of the Late Mr. Hamel bin Khadem Al-Ghaith, to provide high quality specialized services in surface protection, painting, fireproofing, thermal insulation, online cold/cryogenic insulation, and scaffolding works to oil, gas and industrial companies.
ADCC LLC has been recognized as a pioneer within its scope of activities, under the leadership and guidance of its Chairman, Mr. Ghaith bin Hamel bin Khadem Al-Ghaith, enabling it to successfully fulfill all its undertakings and obligations.
ADCC total staff exceeds 450 employees in different specializations at Das Island, and other offshore facilities, including professional and specialized experts, maintenance engineers, industrial engineers, technical supervisors, site operation experts, in addition to specialized labor force.
Since its inception, ADCC has been charting its course of activities and business in a strong pace, and was able to execute many prestigious projects including major projects with large oil companies active in the UAE. Such projects include major industrial painting projects in oil and gas plants, storage tanks, and many other projects related to insulation, fireproofing, and other specialized oilfield services.
This leading position is achieved by our ability to provide integrated solutions geared to fulfill our clients’ needs, utilizing a group of specialized experts, engineers and employees, whom ADCC works on continuous basis to develop the level of their performance, promote their skills, through local and international training programs. We aspire to the future, geared up to provide the best level of products and services according to our vision, ready to serve our clients in implementing the most modern and up to date management and quality control systems.
In our continuous effort to occupy a leading role, we strive to bring in the latest technology, develop our community, protect the environment, and minimize waste.
ADCC has adopted a comprehensive quality approach for its production, administrative and IT systems. Amongst the major contributors to the success of our performance, is our ability to attract international experts and utilize integrated IT systems to include HR, Production Management, Inventory Management, Accounts and Billing systems. ADCC has implemented an integrated QHSE programme that led to the valued certification in an Integrated Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001).
Social Media Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Local-Business/ADCC-Abu-Dhabi-Construction-Company-LLC-189419541140983/
- مقاولو الخرسانة
- هدم المباني
- منتجات البلوك والخرسانة
- مهندسي الانشاءات
- مقاولو الطرق
- البيوت الجاهزة
- سحب الحديد والفولاذ
- السقالات
- اختبار التربة
- المولدات الكهربائية
- بيع وتأجير واستيراد ونقل المعدات الثقيلة
- ترحيل المخلفات
- تسرّب المياه
- كبار المقاوليين
- الأبنية مسبقة الصنع
- الحاويات
- الحفريّات
- قواعد الأساس
- تصنيع الحديد والفولاذ
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- بناء المطارات