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Gemco Swimming Pools & Spa was founded in 1978 in the State of Qatar and has extensive knowledge in the water features industry. Gemco Swimming Pools & Spa has the propitious reputation as pioneers in the swimming pools & fountains industry and has gained this status through innovative design ideas, excellent engineering plans, high quality products and outstanding customer service. Gemco Swimming Pools & Spa supports all the requirements of construction of a swimming pool: a comprehensive range of water filtration, water circulation, water disinfection, pool hall environmental control systems and a unique selection of Sauna, Steam, Spa and Fountains. Gemco also provides optional engineering and design services offering unparalleled expertise in this industry.

Gemco Swimming Pools & Spa undertakes turnkey design and construction projects including civil works and electro/mechanical installations. We employ fully qualified engineers and a team of skilled artisans specializing in the swimming pool industry.

تحقق عن خدمات أخرى في قطر
اكتشف المزيد الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية الخدمات.