  • About
na JAZEA JABER ALOTAIBI EST. provides general_x005F_x000D_ contracting, construction management and maintenance_x005F_x000D_ services to a broad range of commercial and industrial clients_x005F_x000D_ throughout Saudi Arabia. Anchored by loyal employees who_x005F_x000D_ are dedicated to providing superior service, and grounded in the_x005F_x000D_ philosophy that honesty and integrity are as important as the_x005F_x000D_ bottom line. JJBO EST. has enjoyed an impeccable reputation._x005F_x000D_ We have never failed to complete a project and have never had_x005F_x000D_ a bond claim. Schedules and budgets are meant to be kept, and_x005F_x000D_ we strive every day to do so.
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