+966 13 843 5125
  • About

SARIYA Company Ltd. (Distribution Division) is a Value added distributor head-quartered in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. It was formed in 2002 , having excellent alliances with many well-known Hardware/Software vendors to provide best-of-breed products/solutions to the channel partners .


SARIYA-IT has invested in its inherent strength in infrastructure, technical skills and customer service to create a niche for itself in the product distribution space. SARIYA-IT’s has always been characterized by a high level of competence in its chosen areas. Current competencies arise out of the Company’s solid experience, and reside in a multidisciplinary team with strong emphasis in latest and advances technologies, statistics, and marketing, etc. With a broad range of capabilities, including consulting, logistics As a Value added distribution firm, in providing our channel partners the solutions they need to meet their strategic business objectives.

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