- الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية
تشييد المباني
- مقاولو الخرسانة
- هدم المباني
- منتجات البلوك والخرسانة
- مهندسي الانشاءات
- مقاولو الطرق
- البيوت الجاهزة
- سحب الحديد والفولاذ
- السقالات
- اختبار التربة
- المولدات الكهربائية
- بيع وتأجير واستيراد ونقل المعدات الثقيلة
- ترحيل المخلفات
- تسرّب المياه
- كبار المقاوليين
- الأبنية مسبقة الصنع
- الحاويات
- الحفريّات
- قواعد الأساس
- تصنيع الحديد والفولاذ
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- بناء المطارات
- صيانة المنازل
- تقديم المشورة
- الأنظمة السمعية والبصرية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
- الأرضيات والجدران
- خدمات أخرى
- الأثاث
أبناء والترميم
- الحجر والرخام
- منتجات خشبية
- منتجات الجبس
- موردو مواد البناء
- الدهان
- المصاعد والسلالم الكهربائية
- الحمامات والمطابخ
- المقاول الأنسب
- مقاولون اختصاصيون
- الزجاج
- إكسسوارات المطابخ والحمامات
- أنظمة ومنتجات الجدران
- مقاولو كهرباء
- ميكانيكيون
- أعمال جبس
- موردو نوافذ
- مقاولون تسليم مفتاح
- موردو الأبواب
- الحديد والأدوات المعدنية
- مقاولون لمكافحة الحريق
- صيانة المباني
- تصاريح وتراخيص السلطة
- الموبيليا والنجارة
- أنظمة الأسقف
- المنيوم
- الإنارة
- الدرابزين
- موردي ومقاولي المعادن
- الايدي العاملة
- أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية المنزلية
- التصميم والديكور
- تنظيم المناسبات والمعارض
- التصنيفات
- حول
Vella Rosa is a classic, modern and traditional type of collection which fit to your desire style of furniture. It offers a wide variety of products and services for both residential and contract furniture sectors. The range of world brands to pick from every canvas, for diverse styles, mood and decor. A highly range of customized and part packages for multi-room and individual application to developers, managers and property owners. Highly qualified, professional and customer oriented personal serve all wishes and requirement of the clients. The company had expanded its scope of activities by producing furniture for the domestic and educational sectors.
Vella Rosa seeks to create a special kind of new furniture generation to suit the fast development of the furniture trend line. Produce furniture, fabric and decoration materials for high-end market of retail, hospitality, residential and commercial projects. The company activities include product design, design development and manufacture as well as being augmented by selected foreign contracts.
To provide a comprehensive choice of contemporary designs for customers consideration. With over years experience in market and a policy which ensures sales and design staff understand the detailed requirement of our customer, we are able to provide well considered advice in the form of layout design and general product recommendations. Our stylish turn-key packages have absolutely different among of the Furniture packages you been encountered. Those designed / stylish are affordable and suitable to your budgets by keeping high quality production always well-presented and for good commercial prices, the Company’s policy reaches out to potential customers easily. All Products are made of 100% natural wood in high quality, tempting prices and attractive designs. The furniture finish has different colors such as walnut, ebony, black leather and cherry polish.
In order to meet the individual needs of customers. Vella Rosa Furniture maintains a wide of qualifications. Our highly trained installation team ensures the product is properly delivered and Installed in good conditions to fulfill the customer satisfaction. This is due to effective directing team members we ensure that all business Requirements are meet within budget restraint and time schedule.
In Addition, Vella Rosa furniture had experience with large distribution centers, having been responsible for the successful finished projects in supplying furniture.