- الديكور الخارجي والمناظر الطبيعية
تشييد المباني
- مقاولو الخرسانة
- هدم المباني
- منتجات البلوك والخرسانة
- مهندسي الانشاءات
- مقاولو الطرق
- البيوت الجاهزة
- سحب الحديد والفولاذ
- السقالات
- اختبار التربة
- المولدات الكهربائية
- بيع وتأجير واستيراد ونقل المعدات الثقيلة
- ترحيل المخلفات
- تسرّب المياه
- كبار المقاوليين
- الأبنية مسبقة الصنع
- الحاويات
- الحفريّات
- قواعد الأساس
- تصنيع الحديد والفولاذ
- نظام الصرف الصحي
- بناء المطارات
- صيانة المنازل
- تقديم المشورة
- الأنظمة السمعية والبصرية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
- الأرضيات والجدران
- خدمات أخرى
- الأثاث
أبناء والترميم
- الحجر والرخام
- منتجات خشبية
- منتجات الجبس
- موردو مواد البناء
- الدهان
- المصاعد والسلالم الكهربائية
- الحمامات والمطابخ
- المقاول الأنسب
- مقاولون اختصاصيون
- الزجاج
- إكسسوارات المطابخ والحمامات
- أنظمة ومنتجات الجدران
- مقاولو كهرباء
- ميكانيكيون
- أعمال جبس
- موردو نوافذ
- مقاولون تسليم مفتاح
- موردو الأبواب
- الحديد والأدوات المعدنية
- مقاولون لمكافحة الحريق
- صيانة المباني
- تصاريح وتراخيص السلطة
- الموبيليا والنجارة
- أنظمة الأسقف
- المنيوم
- الإنارة
- الدرابزين
- موردي ومقاولي المعادن
- الايدي العاملة
- أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية المنزلية
- التصميم والديكور
- تنظيم المناسبات والمعارض
- التصنيفات
- حول
na ALI ABDULMOHSIN AL-TAMIMI SONS COMPANY & its tents, steel & membrane factory is considered one of the oldest factories in the Middle East. The company was established more than 60 years ago (1370 in the Arabic calendar - 1950 in the Gregorian calendar) by Sheik Ali Abdulmohsin Al-Tamimi. During this period the company has managed to remain the leader in the field, specialising in manufacturing and supplying all types of tents, steel & structural fabric for both the private & the public sector._x005F_x000D_
During the 90's, the company expanded its business to include manufacturing of the special steel structures required to support the big membrane structure projects and other types of facade and building structures._x005F_x000D_
The COMPANY STAFF: The company employs 201 qualified personnel including Managers, Engineers, Administrators, Technicians and Skilled Labourers._x005F_x000D_
Customer satisfaction is our main objective, including the safety and welfare of our workers._x005F_x000D_
Our factory is considered to be the largest in the Gulf area._x005F_x000D_
Our company activities and specialities include:_x005F_x000D_
Specialising in steel manufacturing for buildings, stadiums, airports and bridges_x005F_x000D_
Specialising in tents and tensile membrane structures_x005F_x000D_
Specialising in steel cable structures_x005F_x000D_
Specialising in storage tanks and telecommunication towers_x005F_x000D_
Specialising in warehouses and hangars_x005F_x000D_
Complete facilities with a wide range of high-tech equipment for making process pipelines and structural steel for refineries, desalination, chemical and power plants of various sizes, including painting, fire rated paint and sandblasting/shot blasting facilities_x005F_x000D_
Roof covers for courtyards, swimming pools and reception halls_x005F_x000D_
Tent hire for parties and sports arenas_x005F_x000D_
Steel and plant equipment installation activities using heavy lift cranes_x005F_x000D_
Machining and drilling activities_x005F_x000D_
Steel cables - pre-stressing and tensioning_x005F_x000D_
We owe our worldwide reputation to our sincere service, honest management and proper planning. This involves adjusting completely to the most diverse conditions. We live up to the high demands made by our global partners and our customers around the world._x005F_x000D_
Where we come from_x005F_x000D_
The roots of our tradition can be traced back to the year (1370 H - 1950G), when Sheik Ali Abdulmohsin Al-Tamimi started this business by manufacturing traditional cotton canvas tents & goat hair tents. The simple shelter, commonly used by native Arabs (the Bedouin), has been passed down from generation to generation, culminating in the advanced covers used in in tensile structure technology._x005F_x000D_
Today, the company is run with a modern appreciation of management, while the traditional values remain unchanged._x005F_x000D_
The activities of the owners have demonstrated their close association with the company staff in a family working environment throughout the decades._x005F_x000D_
The way we see ourselves_x005F_x000D_
We do what we say, and our ego is satisfied when we deliver a perfect service. Difficult questions and tasks are seen as a challenge which we solve using our experience and knowledge of our products. We adhere to the subject and analyse the requirements again and again until we successfully achieve the required goals._x005F_x000D_
We know our products, understand the task given and use our experience to find the right solutions._x005F_x000D_
We always look for the best solution, by turning our attention to new methods in an open and creative approach. Our goal is to satisfy our clients – our work is devoted to constant development and innovation in our products and services. We find the best solutions when the tasks given by our partners are understood, their expectations are met and our performance is appreciated._x005F_x000D_
We believe in experience and technology: for us, experience means our knowledge is tested in practice. We achieve a high level of skill by constantly training and improving our working staff. We use efficient regulations and control systems for rational and precise manufacturing in serial production, as well as in individual and project manufacturing to meet each specific customer’s requirements. Our employees are skilled in mechanised production procedures as well as in manual working methods.
تحقق عن خدمات أخرى في المملكة العربية السعودية
اكتشف المزيد أبناء والترميم الخدمات.
أبناء والترميم الشركات
- الحجر والرخام
- منتجات خشبية
- منتجات الجبس
- موردو مواد البناء
- الدهان
- المصاعد والسلالم الكهربائية
- الحمامات والمطابخ
- المقاول الأنسب
- مقاولون اختصاصيون
- الزجاج
- إكسسوارات المطابخ والحمامات
- أنظمة ومنتجات الجدران
- مقاولو كهرباء
- ميكانيكيون
- أعمال جبس
- موردو نوافذ
- مقاولون تسليم مفتاح
- موردو الأبواب
- الحديد والأدوات المعدنية
- مقاولون لمكافحة الحريق
- صيانة المباني
- تصاريح وتراخيص السلطة
- الموبيليا والنجارة
- أنظمة الأسقف
- المنيوم
- الإنارة
- الدرابزين
- موردي ومقاولي المعادن
- الايدي العاملة
- أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية المنزلية