iBoat Marine شركة اي بوت مارين للقوارب والمعدات البحرية
+965 9996 9201
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IBoat Marine was established in 2017 in the state of kuwait by Mr. Fahad Al-Enaizi. The idea to open another marine company in a competitive market started because to provide new range of smart boating services in the marine market which are not available.At a global view, marine trends are challenging newest and updated technologies creating the fastest, smartest, durable and most luxurious products in the market has ever seen.

IBoat Marine specializes in the best solutions for advanced Marine custom products for boats and yachts of all size.

تحقق عن خدمات أخرى في الكويت
اكتشف المزيد التصنيفات الخدمات.