  • حول
na Saudi PayPal is a trademark owned by Foundation for the companion payment services to e-commerce. It is an official institution registered with the Ministry of Commerce to conduct trade activities and provide electronic shopping and e-commerce solutions._x005F_x000D_ Our mission:_x005F_x000D_ _x005F_x000D_ Our mission in Saudi site Paypal primarily Lahey lift and increase the culture of electronic shopping with browser Arab and Saudi in particular, and to show the advantages and fun shopping through the Internet. And that through the provision of electronic shopping service and electronic payment solutions in a modern, safe and sophisticated for all beneficiaries in the Arab countries._x005F_x000D_ Our goal:_x005F_x000D_ _x005F_x000D_ We aim at Saudi PayPal to build a link between the shopper and the Saudi Arabian particular, on the one hand and between constructors and owners of commercial sites and portals, local and global._x005F_x000D_ _x005F_x000D_ Create a competitive market real between establishments business so as to provide the consumer the Saudi Arabian real options in its favor in the first place and increase the freedom of choice by opening global markets shopper Arab Zaadt competitive opportunities and offer the best price with the highest quality so as to allow freedom of choice for the shopper.
تحقق عن خدمات أخرى في المملكة العربية السعودية
اكتشف المزيد الأنظمة السمعية والبصرية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات الخدمات.