Stream Industrial & Engineering WLL

P.O. Box 22647, Salam Tower, Bldg. No. 72 - First...

974 4040 9111
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na Stream Industrial & Engineering (SIE) is a subsidiary of Salam International Investment Ltd. since 1989. For over half a century now, the Salam name is one that has been and continue to be associated with excellence, achievement and progress. SIIL continues to benefit from a strong human capital base and corporate culture. These have assured the company’s continued growth and prosperity. This is being achieved through capitalizing on its inherent strengths; namely, its staff, expertise, exceptional client care and its continued drive for improvement in all aspects of its operations. We value the quality of our human resources that drive us to employ dedicated specialized engineers and highly qualified and trained individuals who comprise the empowered STREAM workforce. After a careful selection and scrutiny to match the demanding lifecycle of an overwhelming dynamics market structure, we empower each member as we ultimately believe in leaders of today passing power to its successors, reliving the tradition of exemplary competence at all levels of the management hierarchy. In the workforce, every individual is a team player vigorously trained to excel in keeping atop advancements among respective fields of operation and specialization, as we envision to be always ahead and at the pinnacle of success among major players in the downstream industrial market.
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