  • About

Al Safwan Gulf Security LLC, is also known as "SGS", is a part of Al Safwan Group Of Companies which it has been a board for 10 years. Providing dedications and excellence in its service. Our quality security services with highly trained staff enables us to provide our clients with the satisfaction and security they need.

Commitment to Effective Management and Supervision: Al Safwan’s Executive leadership recognizes the importance of and has unwavering commitment towards client servicing. An integral part of our innovative management practice is the emphasis on establishing open communication channels with clients, daily contact by our team, close follow-up, exchange of valuable information and knowledge gained from monthly management meetings. Customer Service: At Al Safwan we believe that for any organization its greatest assets are truly its clients, hence our commitment to customer service is as strong as it is to safeguarding and protecting our clients’ assets. It reflects in our 24/7 Customer Service Centre (CSC), and dedicated Client Relations Manager, a single point of contact, 24/7, for our clients, for day-to-day issues.

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